Friday, February 28, 2014

Advice for High School Freshmen

Not too long ago I read an article titled "33 Things High School Seniors Wish They Knew As Freshmen." Rather than share those comments with you, I decided to ask my seniors for their advice.  To be honest, I wasn't sure they would take it seriously, but I should not have been surprised that they took it to heart and came up with some personal and insightful recommendations of their own. Over the next few days I will share their comments with you. Quite honestly, their advice is great for sophomores and juniors as well.

1.  Take it one day at a time.  Grades matter, but you need to remember to take care of yourself.  Your sanity is more important than your GPA.  (Amen.)

2.  Disregard the status quo.

3.  Do the best that you can do but never feel like you're less than someone in all AP classes.

4. Freshman year is meant to be a transition year - just because you got all A's in middle school doesn't necessarily mean that will happen in ninth grade, and that's okay.

5.  Put yourself out there more.  Move. Get involved in activities and take on the challenge of harder courses.

6.  Be social. Find that group of friends that you want to be around. Study hard and don't think that it doesn't count for anything, because it does. And don't ever forget all the people around you that are there to help!

7.  Don't over commit yourself: join clubs and teams that you know you can devote a lot of your time to and be an active member.

8.  One good friend is better than five fake ones.  Talk to your mom. She will help you through it all.

9.  Try to get good grades but make your own definition of good. Not everybody is supposed to make all A's - B's are good grades too!!

10. Don't wait to do things. Nothing is permanent (friends, grades, etc.), so don't get hung up things.

11. "Modest is hottest".

Stay tuned in the days ahead for more sensational advice from the Class of 2014.

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