Monday, March 31, 2014

The results are in...mostly

It's that time of year. Some students received the equivalent of the "fat envelope" over spring break, while others are understandably disappointed, and in the days to come, the media will be fixated on the ridiculously low admit rate among the Ivy League colleges.  (By the way, Harvard's admit rate was 5.9%, and of those admitted students, only 17% were from the south.  Now that's ridiculously low.)

In the competitive world of college admissions, it's often difficult for those of us who know these students best to understand why a girl wasn't accepted.  Sometimes we can predict the outcome, while sometimes it makes no sense at all.  And you know what? There often isn't any rhyme or reason.  We can repeatedly remind girls it is not personal, but it still feels that way, especially when you are eighteen years old. It just can't help but feel like a judgment of some sort.

For the record, the GPS class of 2014 has had an outstanding admissions season, but if you find yourself among the disappointed, maybe you should look at it a different way.  There are many, many colleges and universities that do want you.  These colleges believe you will make a difference on campus, will add something to the classroom, will go on to be outstanding, productive alumni. So rather than focus on the few colleges that said "no," why not focus on the colleges that are welcoming you with open arms.  

It was never about "one" right school, but rather it was always about finding several colleges that would be a good fit.  You've found them, and they believe in you.

Life is still good!

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