Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Be True to Your (High) School

One of the things I love most about GPS is the community the girls have built and the fact that they remain a community long after they graduate from high school.  Many of my daughter's best friends are still the ones she made as a seventh grader here, and when one of them recently suffered a terrible tragedy, those now grown women came running.  Truth be told, I'm a little jealous of the bond they share.

Perhaps that's one reason why this article "Love your college without letting go of your high school" made me think of them and all the other GPS alums.  Most of our students love to come back to campus; they love to stay in touch with teachers.  Alums are eager to host current seniors when the girls are visiting college campuses, and they love touting their new college home to the girls. Many of them who stay close to home come back to assist with the musical, work for the summer camp office, or even teach, and these days they send us, their teachers and counselors, friend requests on facebook.  And while all of them do not stay quite so connected to their alma mater in the same way, so many of them consider this campus their home.

Don't get me wrong, our alums love their college years, but they don't ever really let go of GPS.  It's a common joke around here that when someone asks an older person where they went to school, they don't answer with the name of the college they attended. Instead they say "GPS, McCallie, etc." The ties are that strong.

Of course I hope they love their college (and not just the football team) just as much.  I hope they find mentors and life-long friends. I hope they have amazing experiences that take them around the world. And while I very much want them to move forward and even away from Chattanooga, I hope they never totally let go of their high school.

Oh, and happy May Day, GPS!

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