Monday, July 21, 2014

Where has the summer gone?

Perhaps it is like this every year, but it seems the summer has flown by faster than ever before.  Class schedules will be posted in the next week or two, and I'm already scheduling a number of college visits for the fall. Among the schools that will be stopping by  are George Washington, Virginia, Birmingham Southern, NYU, Richmond, Lehigh, NC State, and many more.  You can check Naviance for a complete list of the school's that have signed up so far.

In addition, there are two special programs you should be aware of if you're considering these schools.  The Vanderbilt Road Show will be in Chattanooga on Monday, August 11 from 7-8:30 PM at the Chattanooga Marriott Downtown here.

The University of Georgia and Georgia Tech will once again team up for an information session on Monday, August 25 from 6:30-8:30 PM in the GPS Evans Center.  If you are interested in  either of these schools, you should make plans to attend.  We will let you know how to register as soon as we have that information.

While I'm thinking about it, it's very important that you RSVP for events when required.  Some people say that the courtesy of a response (or RSVP)  is a dying practice, but that doesn't mean you should ignore it. Frankly it's simply rude to show up unannounced, especially when your host is basing the number of chairs, handouts and perhaps food on the number who said they were coming.  Get into the habit of replying now!

This is the time of year when you should also make a habit of reading all your email.  You might not use email as your primary form of communication any more, but many people do, including your college counselor and admissions offices.  Don't miss out on an opportunity simply because you were too lazy or busy to read.

As we gear up for a new school year, there will be a lot of details to remember, but if you organize and pay attention, you'll navigate the college process just fine.

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