Wednesday, September 17, 2014

What is a NACAC conference?

Even though my students know I'm attending the annual NACAC conference this week, they probably don't realize what that means for them.

First of all, NACAC stands for the National Association of College Admission Counseling, an organization of which we are a member.  By being a member, it means that we also abide by their Statement of Principles of Good Practice.  It's a code of sorts, kind of like the GPS Honor Code, and we take it very seriously.

This week thousands of high school and college admissions professionals are gathering in Indianapolis for the conference.  It is a time for professional development, with sessions ranging from athletic recruitment to financial aid to how to write effective recommendations.  As a member of our regional board of directors, Mrs. Goldbach will also be voting on issues that are important to the entire membership, including our students.  And along with my colleagues from Tulane, Rhodes, and Pitzer, I will be presenting a session on the use of demonstrated interest in the admissions process, a topic that I have written about before in this blog.

But perhaps more important for our students, there are two reasons why we attend this conference. First, we have the opportunity to network with colleges and universities all across the United States. We are here to promote GPS, to explain the value of a GPS education, and to assure the colleges that if they accept our students, they are getting some of the most curious, creative, and interesting students anywhere.  Second, we are able to advocate specifically for our girls.  We will have the time to speak with admissions representatives from Wake Forest and Furman, Georgia and Washington University in St. Louis, Tulane and Duke, just to name a few.  We have the chance to mention girls by name, discuss their strengths, and explain why our girls will be a good fit for their college(s).  This conference is all about our girls.

We believe that GPS girls are outstanding, and we want to make sure our college counterparts know that too!  So while you continue to work hard in school, know that we will be spreading the gospel of GPS here in Indiana.

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