Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Post-Application Blues

The stockings are hung, the menorahs and trees have been put up, and the applications have, for the most part, been submitted.  Now seniors are (hopefully) turning their attentions to upcoming exams and the holidays.  But what should be a time of rest from all the college application madness can often just be more stressful for the girls.

Home for the holidays, well-meaning family and friends often pepper seniors with questions: "Where did you apply?" "When will you hear?" Where do you think you'll go?"  It's understandable that people are curious, but for many of the girls, college is the last thing they want to discuss right now.

So here's a gift that every senior would appreciate.  Stop talking about essays and test scores and college applications. Step in and deflect the questions. Help the girls come up with a pat response, something like "It's out of my hands now, so I'm not going to make any decisions until I have all the information," or "I'm just going to remain open to whatever happens."  And then move the conversation in a different direction.

Make the next few weeks a holiday college free zone!  Your whole family will probably appreciate it.

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