Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Your Child is Heading Off to College.... What PARENTS Need to Know!

As we tell our senior parents during GPS' annual "Separation Seminar" program, going to college is an American rite of passage, and as such, it can be fraught with excitement, anxiety, hopes, fears and every other conceivable human emotion.  So much emphasis is placed on the students' role of transitioning to college - as well it should be - but parents' lives are also going to be changing drastically, often in unexpected ways.  Whether this is your first, last or only child leaving your home to truly start living their own life, gain support and insight from parents who have been there before.

Knowsymoms is an excellent resource for moms and dads of college students.  The website offers a free toolkit which provides "top 10" lists and links to a wide range of pertinent articles, blogposts and relevant videos.

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