Saturday, April 9, 2016

Don't be an idiot.

Acceptance letters in hand - and in some cases, decisions made - seniors have a tendency to think that the college process if finished.  They can now let their hair down, relax, chill...whatever they call it, they start taking everything a little less seriously.

Don't do it.

Don't be an idiot, as our friends in the Georgia Tech Admissions office explain in their blog.  If you must celebrate the end of your senior year by doing something risky or just plain stupid, don't post it on facebook, instagram, snapchat or twitter.  By all means don't do something so bad that your college counselor is compelled to report it to a college.  And keep studying.  They can - and will - rescind your admission is it gets too bad.  I've seen it happen to a GPS girl (and still have the letter to prove it), so don't let it happen to you.

Be smart. Make smart decisions.  We want to make sure you actually get to the college you have decided to call home.

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