Friday, May 20, 2016

College Interviews

Before she headed into summer, a junior stopped by the other day to ask me about an upcoming college interview.  I think I covered most of the typical questions, but this article from Fastweb Scholarships, (if you're not following them on Twitter @PayingForSchool, you might want to start), lists not only the questions but also the rationale for asking and a suggested approach to each one.

Obviously you don't want to come off as having canned responses, but preparing and practicing ahead of time is a great idea.  You will become more comfortable talking about yourself and your goals, but it will also give you time to actually think about the most meaningful and insightful things you want to say.

Even if you don't have an interview scheduled soon, thoughtfully considering how you would answer the questions can help you when you're completing your application, and of course, it might be helpful for summer job interviews.

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