Friday, October 19, 2012

It is the Third Week of Block Two at Colorado College!

Bernis Hall
What is the world does "Third Week of Block Two" mean?  It means Colorado College (CC for short) students are currently engaged in focused classes including: "Women and Madness" which examines the historical concept of madness as a psychological illness from the feminist perspective.  Or, freshmen are in a first year experience course exploring the peoples, cultures, histories and physical settings that have come to define the Southwest region.  The History of Performance class introduces periods of historical significance through the artistic lens of theatre and dance in Western culture.  These classes characterize CC's unique single-class block schedule in which students immerse themselves in the study of one class for 3 1/2 weeks, typically 3 hours per day.  The style isn't for everyone, but the 2,000 undergrads that call CC home can't imagine learning and engaging any other way.

Washburn Field
 CC's unique intellectual adventure is located on a equally unique and awe-inspiring campus in the town of Colorado Springs.  One has to possess an explorer's heart to attend CC and take advantage of the residential environment that draws students from across the country.  DIII athletes (excluding men's hockey and women's soccer which are DI), practice on Washburn Field in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains. 

Shove Chapel is located in the center of campus, adjacent to the school's Labyrinth, and was donated to the college with the understanding that it would always serve as a house of spirituality for people of all religions, faiths and beliefs.  The current schedule of varied services certainly confirms its use.

So, if the idea of never cramming for 4 or 5 midterms or finals at one time appeals to you, consider CC.  Also, I can't imagine any student who wouldn't enjoy 4 days of vacation between each block!

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