Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Gaining Work Experience While You're in College...the Co-Op Way

One college option that is often overlooked by our students is the Co-Op (or cooperative education) program.  Co-op programs allow students the opportunity to go to school and gain real work experience.  For example, a student would attend classes one semester and work the second semester, gaining academic credit at the same time.  By the time a student graduates (and yes, you can still graduate in four years), she would have quite an impressive work resume and some great contacts as well.  It's not uncommon for a student to be hired full-time by one of the companies she worked for during college.  Given the current economic climate, considering a college that has a co-op program might be a good investment.  The University of Cincinnati, Northeastern University, the University of Louisville, and Drexel University are some of the schools that have long-standing co-op programs.

For a good look at cooperative education and the financial implications, here is an article from Forbes.com.

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