Thursday, October 3, 2013

The value of being on your own

One of our alums recently emailed us with this advice for seniors:

     "The thing I was most nervous about coming to college was meeting people. I've met most of my friends from classes, and from just hanging out on campus. Do not sit in your dorm room. If you a re bored, go walk around campus, hang out in the student center, or go to the rec center and play volleyball. The thing I've loved about being on such a big campus is that there is always something going on. There are tons of clubs, churches, and volunteer opportunities that I would encourage you to check out as well."

I admit that I too urge students to put themselves out there when they get to college.  "Leave your door open," I say. "Having music blaring is a good way to get people to stop by."  But some people really do like to be alone sometimes, and there's nothing wrong with that.  I happen to be one of those people, and this college freshman reminded of how important that time can be. Yes, you should look for some extracurricular activity when you get to college, and you should go out to eat with other students occasionally.  And sometimes you have to initiate the interaction!  But if you are one of those people who also need to be alone sometimes (and that's the operative word), that's okay too.

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