Monday, October 7, 2013

Time Management Tips

Most of us complain that there is simply not enough time in the day to do everything we need to do.  Sometimes we don't know how to prioritize, and sometimes we don't know how to say "no."  We think we have to do it all, but in reality, we don't.  Whether you are in high school, college or the working world, these five tips for managing your time might help you become more organized and more efficient.

The one I like best is "plan time to relax."  Maybe you just need to take a short break, get up from your desk, and move around. Likewise, perhaps you need to put the books down and think about nothing at all for a few minutes, and I don't mean spend that free time staring at an iPad, your phone or television.  Get up,  drink a glass of water, eat some fruit or go outside.  Give your eyes and your brain some rest!

One other thought that particularly applies to high school students.  You know you don't have to join every club in high school.  If you don't have enough time to attend the meetings, then no matter how interested you may be, those clubs become resume fillers.  College knows when you've overextended yourself, so instead, choose the activities you really care about and contribute to those in a meaningful way.  Not only will that be more impressive, but it will be more rewarding for you.


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