Monday, January 5, 2015

New Year's Resolutions

Though I don't usually make New Year's resolutions, I do think it's a good time to stop and take stock of where you are.  So with that in mind, I'd like to make a few resolutions for my students.

1.  I would like my students to resolve to use social media even just a little more judiciously.  I know you believe that your comments are private, but all it takes is one person copying a picture or showing your comments to someone else, and it's out there.  And you can't take it back.  Perhaps right now you don't care if everyone sees what you say and do, but one day you might.  

2.  Studying requires real focus.  Tweeting, posting an Instagram pic or responding to a comment on GroupMe while you're in the middle of reading your history homework is not the same thing as honest to goodness, focused studying.  I know you work really hard - you really do -but perhaps refocusing on your study habits would be helpful to some.

3.  Stop for just a few minutes to realize how many people stand ready to help you.  Teachers, counselors, parents: we all want you to succeed.  You wouldn't be a teenager if you didn't gripe about them (and post things on social media about them), but I promise we all want the best for you and will do whatever they can to help you.  But sometimes you have to ask.

4.  Your college decision is a big one, perhaps the biggest one you will make in your life up to this point.  But it is not the end of the world.  You are going to thrive no matter where you go, and when you look back on it one day, it's not going to seem so important any more.  This might be the most difficult, but resolve to remind yourself that one college rejection is not going to ruin you.

And finally, resolve to finish the school year as strongly as you started it.  The finish line is in sight, and this is not the time to slack off on your work (I have two words for you: senior slide).  I know you have all the tools you need to be successful in college, but you still have to prove it to them.


  1. I love this blogpost. Great advice for high school students!

  2. Thanks, Leo! I wish all my seniors would take it to heart!
