Tuesday, June 16, 2015

A Summer College Checklist

At the risk of contradicting my last post - 'In Defense of Doing Nothing' - I want to suggest a few things that students can do over the summer in order to be better prepared for the college process, and these things aren't too strenuous or time-consuming.

#1 - Read.  You heard me, read.  You can choose your own books, but reading is one of the most valuable things you can do for yourself, and you can do it anywhere...in a hammock, on the beach, curled up in your bed, on a plane...anywhere!  Read a newspaper on a regular basis too, or at least watch the news. You are living in a very flat, global world now, and you cannot afford to not know what's happening around you.  Trust me. It will help you down the road

#2 - Think seriously about your extracurricular activities.  If you're not interested in them any longer, then move on to something that does intrigue you.  You might even think about starting your own club (but check with school officials first).  For the ones you keep, consider the depth of your involvement, and if there are available leadership opportunities, go for them!  Even better, create your own leadership opportunity.  You can do it!

#3 - Keep abreast of college ideas and trends.  In addition to reading this blog, you can follow us on Twitter @gpscollege.  We are constantly posting articles and such relating to college admissions, standardized tests, careers, summer opportunities, college visits, and much, much more.

#4 - No matter what grade you will be in, visit a few colleges, especially if you're driving by a school while on your way to your family vacation.  If you are a freshmen or sophomore, you don't have to do an actual tour, just get out and walk around.  See if you can picture yourself there.

If you're a junior or senior, you might want to make it more official. Make an appointment with the admissions office for the real information session and campus tour.  Not only will you get a better understanding of campus, but you'll be demonstrating interest too.

These are all things you can do relatively easily over the summer, and if you only check a few of them off your list, you will be ahead of the game.  Now start reading!

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