Monday, November 9, 2015

How to stop the crazy race for elite colleges

Not to brag, but this advice from parents who have been through it before is what we tell parents every year!  I hope all of our parents will read  How to Stop the Crazy Race for Elite Colleges" - but just in case, I want to highlight two things.

1.  The college process is not life or death.  If your daughter (or son) does not get into the college of their dreams, it is not the end of the world, and she or he can still go on to be wildly successful.  If your daughter is applying to a highly competitive college, the odds are simply not in her favor, no matter how intelligent, creative, and ambitious she is.  Life will go on, we promise.

2.  No one wants to talk about college all the time.  Make a weekly appointment to discuss the college process with your daughter, and then talk about something else the rest of the week.  Perhaps more important, shield from well-meaning people who want to ask her about college, especially around the holidays.

3.  Okay, I need to add one more.  There is not one perfect school. Really.

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