Friday, July 5, 2013

The Importance of Extracurriculars in College

This advice is not unlike what we have shared with high school students in the past. One of the best ways to meet new people is to join a club or other extracurricular activity.  Having a few meetings to attend can provide some structure to your day or week, and as we have mentioned before, people who are involved in at least a few activities in college tend to be better students.

But what clubs should you join?  Your interests are a good place to start. For example, if you enjoy service work, then look for any type of service organization.  If you love taking pictures, check out the newspaper staff.  However, college is also a good place to try some activities that you haven't considered before.  I know of one GPS alum who joined a ballroom dancing team even though she had no previous experience.  She absolutely loved it!

And let's face it.  Some of your extracurricular activities in college will also look good on a resume.  There are lots of academic and professional organizations on college campuses, and they can offer some great networking and internship opportunities as well.

Just promise us you'll join something.  We know from experience that our alums who are active in some sort of college activity are generally happier students and less likely to get homesick.

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