Monday, August 4, 2014

The Rush to Finish

I may be in the minority on this one, but just because the Common Application is open and ready for business, why does everyone have to be in a rush to finish their applications before school even starts.  There are no awards for being the first to hit "send."

Too often students (and parents) are in such a hurry to get the college process over with, that they do not give it the time and careful consideration it deserves. Personally I've seen many girls come back to school in August with a new set of college criteria, and in some cases, they've completely changed their minds about where they want to go.  Only a few weeks ago, one senior who absolutely, positively knew where she wanted to go to school and only wanted to apply to that school, has done an about face and decided to expand her options.  Many students are still trying to figure out why certain schools fit - or don't fit - them (they are teenagers after all!).

I get that applications can be stressful, but rushing to finish them may not be the best way to handle it. Your essay shouldn't be something you "just get done" but should be an opportunity to really think about who you are, what you've accomplished, what people, experiences, and things are meaningful to you.  If done thoughtfully, the college process can be a chance to reflect on where you've been and where you want to go. Allow yourself time to consider how you've grown and stretched yourself, because if you approach it as simply one more hurdle to clear, you will miss all the good stuff that come out of it.

Yes, your senior year will be a busy one. But you can take your time with your college applications and still have a life.  My suggestion? Take a deep breath first.  There are a number of people - your college counselor, your teachers, your parents - who are here to help you. Learn to prioritize (a good life lesson if you don't already know how).  Seek out some balance in your life; it can be done!  And as the saying goes, take some time to smell the roses.  Your college applications might just be better for it.

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