Monday, November 18, 2013

The Elevator Pitch

Current seniors have heard all about the "elevator pitch."  In business terms, it is the personal sales pitch you would give to a perspective client or employer, and it is a way to build relationships or network with other professionals.

You can also develop an elevator speech for the college admissions process.  Similar to the description in this article, it is a thirty second introduction that tells a college admissions representative who you are, what your talents are, and perhaps why you would be a good fit for the university.  You can also add a question at the end - something that might keep the conversation going.

It will take some practice in order for it not to sound too canned, but you can do it.  Start by brainstorming some things you might want to say and then prioritize them.  You only have about thirty seconds, so you cannot say everything.  What is the most important quality you want someone to know about you? What is the most important question you have about the college?  Try your speech out on your parents, your friends (the ones who won't think you're crazy).  We'll be working on these during second semester college classes, so get a head start and begin working on your elevator speech now.

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